Foods And Supplements That Help Slow or Prevent Gum Disease
Foods And Supplements That Help Slow or Prevent Gum Disease
“Periodontitis (per-e-o-don-TIE-tis), also called gum disease, is a serious gum infection that damages the soft tissue around teeth. Without treatment, periodontitis can destroy the bone that supports your teeth. This can cause teeth to loosen or lead to tooth loss.”
– Mayo Clinic: Periodontitis
Sugar is the modern equivalent of Sin. This sweetener is more roundly discouraged by dentists and nutritionists than unmarried sex was back in the day by the clergy. By the way they still don’t recommend it. Foods and drinks high in sugar content are a direct route to dental disarray. Gum diseases, like Gingivitis, are made more likely and accelerated through a diet high in refined sugars. One key tip offered by many dental experts is to avoid sugary food that coat your teeth. Lollies, of course, are in the firing line here, and these include cough lollies too. Acid is a big problem causer for our teeth and gums. Acid eats away at out tooth enamel and produces caries. Citrus fruits, alcoholic drinks, tomato based foods, pickles, and coffee are all contributors to tooth decay, bacteria, and gum disease. Saliva is your best friend when it comes to keeping harmful mouth bacteria in check. Therefore, dry mouth is a problem, which brings snorers and mouth breathers into the picture. Oh what a wicked web we weave … Avoid stuff that leaves you with a dry mouth. Cigarettes, alcohol, and coffee. Obviously, drink plenty of pure water.
“Gingivitis typically develops due to a bacterial infection caused by plaque overgrowth. Other viral or fungal infections may also cause it. Treatment can depend on the severity. Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums, usually caused by a bacterial infection. If left untreated, it can become a more serious infection known as periodontitis. Gingivitis and periodontitis are major causes of tooth loss in adults”
– Healthline: Gingivitis
You can see how important drinking enough good quality water is to our overall state of health. Not least with what is happening within our oral cavity or mouth for those more at home with the prosaic. Wow, water is probably the number one key ingredient for better health. However, please don’t go overboard here because you can drown from drinking too much water. I recommend at least 8 to 10 glasses of water per day, say 250 ml size. You will find your optimum level by trying what serves you best. Dentists know the value of regular watering for the human orifice located under your nose and above your chin. Saliva is a vital state of equilibrium for our oral cavity to maintain optimum health. Gum disease flourishes from dry mouth.
Vitamin C is the most highly recommended supplement to take to promote oral health. Make sure that you are taking a quality Vitamin C supplement and not some rubbish version. A healthy diet high in Vitamin C will, obviously, be a smart move. However, do not overdo citrus fruit consumption because of the high acid content. Do some further research on the Internet into what vitamins are in what foods. Be cognisant of your source material online and whether they are pushing their vested interests. This is a smart thing to do whenever you are researching things. Identify your sources and what is in it for them.
B complex vitamins are another good supplement to take to improve overall oral health. Folate has been identified as something lacking in some studies into people with periodontal disease.
“Some studies have shown that certain B vitamins, including folate, tend to be lower in people with periodontal disease and poor gum health. For example, a 2007 study in 844 older adults found that low folate levels were significantly associated with periodontal disease. Another study found that adults who consumed less folate in their diets had higher rates of gum bleeding during dental exams than people who had higher levels of folate. Additionally, a 2018 study that included 6,415 people demonstrated that insufficient intake of several micronutrients, including the B vitamins folate and thiamine, was significantly associated with periodontal disease severity. Plus, studies have found that a deficiency in vitamin B12 is associated with gum issues in children.”
– PubMed: B Vitamins
Anti-inflammatory foods and supplements like fish oil have been shown to be positive in the treatment of gum disease. Omega – 3 fatty acids DHA and EPA are anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. Studies have shown improvements by those given these supplements in controlled research conditions.
Probiotics, which are known to improve gut health via the microbiome, have had positive results on those with periodontitis. The improvement to good bacteria with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory qualities reduces the negative impacts of the harmful bacteria causing the gum disease.
Vitamin D performs an integral role in the human body via boosting the body’s antibacterial defences. A deficiency in Vitamin D likely increases the risk of developing periodontal disease.
Zinc is an important mineral, which is necessary for healthy gums and good oral health. Recent studies have indicated that taking a zinc oral supplement reduces plaque and improves gum health in children.
Curcumin, which is the active ingredient in turmeric, the spice now becoming popular as an anti-inflammatory is revealing promise as a treatment for gum disease. The natural antibacterial properties within curcumin inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria.
Green tea is a popular alternative warm drink to replace tea and coffee. Green tea may have beneficial properties for oral health. A study suggested that daily green tea drinking may help reduce bleeding in those with gum disease. The evidence for green tea is, however, not conclusive.
Foods That May Help Slow or Prevent Gum Disease
Eat more foods which do not contain high amounts of processed ingredients. The human body likes more green leafy vegetables and less carbohydrates. Consume less red meat, especially processed meats like sausages, salamis, and small goods. The Roman legionnaires who conquered most of the Mediterranean and North Africa did so on a diet of cooked cereals with very little meat. Cooked meat was only eaten as part of religious sacrificial celebrations. In their hob nailed sandals these ferocious soldiers built huge engineering projects like dams, pontoon bridges, viaducts, and fortresses. They did all this on a lean mainly vegetarian diet. Your microbiome loves kale and green leafy stuff – this promotes healthy gut bacteria. The Egyptian workers who built the pyramids did so on a diet of onions, bread, and beer. Their onions were green leafy onions, their bread natural sour dough, and their beer likewise full of wild yeasts.
Blueberries and strawberries are rich in good stuff like Vitamin C, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory compounds.
Eat more raw onion to clean up the bacteria inside your mouth. Garlic is another great natural food for better oral health.
Drink plenty of pure water. Thirsty? Don’t have that sugary soft drink, sports drink or juice. Have a refreshing water instead. Make your habits serve you instead of killing you.
Note: All content and media on the Bacchus Marsh Dental House website and social media channels are created and published online for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice.
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