Last night, the Australian Dental Association have effectively advised all dental clinics to minimise treatment that will cause Aerosol. The reason is that no matter how careful we are as health professionals, no matter how diligent we are at asking patient questions related to their potential coronavirus exposures, no matter what we wear to protect ourselves, there is still a high-level risk that we could help spread this virus, especially to the elderly and immunocompromised patients.
This is something we shouldn’t ignore. We as health professionals have the responsibility to keep patients safe, and to lead from the front. Whilst is it hard, we understand that it must be done, and we are 100% supportive of it.
So, effectively immediately, from the 25th of March 2020, Dental House Group will temporarily cease our general and elective treatment departments until further notice, and limit treatment to only emergency patients in pain, and treatment that is likely to cause a problem in 3-6months.
These include but not limited to:
- Active Gum Infection
- Pain
- Trauma
- Fillings that if not completed in 3-6 months will require extraction or root canal therapy
- Localised infection/swelling
- Dentures
- Root canal (limited treatment)
- Simple extractions
- Inserting final crowns
- Orthodontic – Bracket replacement and broken wire
In addition, we have also set up an online consultation service. This will allow you to contact our dentists directly for a consultation without having to come in, all in the comfort of your own home.
We understand that this is challenging times, but we also know that we will conquer it, and come back stronger and better than ever. It is a story which we will tell our sons and daughters when they grow older, a story of conquering adversity; a story of leadership and resilience; a story of community support and togetherness.
In the meantime, stay safe, follow the social distancing rules, and take care!
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