What Is the Warranty on Dental Implants?
What Is the Warranty on Dental Implants?
Hi, I’m Dr Fong, the principal dentist here at Dental House Group in Melbourne.
Yesterday, we had one of our new patients, Robert from Sunbury, came in for a restorative dental consultation. He had two teeth removed at an emergency clinic. But now he struggles to eat properly, and is always very conscious when he smiles. He wants a permanent solution to replace his missing teeth.
After reading our reviews, and seeing us on our social media, he decided to book an appointment to see us. He was so happy after learning that we can help him get an early release of his super to pay for his treatment, so he booked his procedure in.
During our consultation, one of the questions he asked me was, what is the warranty on dental implants. That got me thinking how often I have been asked this question, so I thought it would be great to make a video and answer this, what is the warranty of dental implants?
Remember that dental implants have two parts, the implant that is inserted into the jawbone, and the crown or bridge that goes on top. Crowns and bridges here at Dental House have a warranty of 5 years. The important thing about dental replacements is that it is up to you to take care of them properly, which means protecting them from damage.
Now for the implant, the titanium implant that we use that goes into the jawbone has a lifetime warranty from the manufacturer. That’s because titanium is an extremely strong and durable material and the most compatible material with human tissues.
What many patients do not realise is that complications with dental implants occur most often because of a lack of oral health care and sometimes because of the limitations of a dentist’s knowledge, skill and experience.
Dental implants must be placed with optimal positioning in relations to your other teeth. This allows for easier and more thorough cleaning. With 3D x-rays, 3D scans, 3D planning, and extraordinary skill and precision, our experienced dentists here at Dental House will be sure to place dental implants in their optimum planned position.
Next, when a bridge or crown is fitted onto a dental implant, the space around the implant, or what we call the restorative space, may have issues because of inadequate preparation of the bone before the implants are placed. Restorative space must be precise for successful dental implants, which is why our highly experienced dentists keep up with the latest technology and take all necessary data and precautions to ensure accuracy.
Since problems that may arise with dental implants are often not due to structural or manufacturing issues, it is highly beneficial for you to take care of your investment with regular oral care practices. This includes brushing your teeth at least twice a day and floss daily.
For the smokers, smoking may cause implant failure because it interferes with blood flow to the bone around the implant. Plus it’s another risk factor of gum disease. For this reason, unfortunately, warranty does not apply to smokers.
If you grind your teeth or experience some sort of occlusal trauma, it can possibly cause the implant to fracture, loosening the attachment screw, or even fracture the crown of your implant. Often we will recommend a protecting splint to reduce the risk of this happening.
And of course, keep up with your regular dental checkups and clean at least twice a year. These help us find any problems early so we can fix them. And your professional cleanings will help keep all your teeth and gums around the implant healthy, allowing you to enjoy your implant for a long time.
I hope this video gave you a better understanding of the warranty of dental implants. So if you have a missing tooth or a few missing teeth, and want to replace them with dental implants, we would love to look after you. We have patients from all over Melbourne and Victoria and our team is trained to be extra gentle.
Simply give us a call on 1800GENTLE, DM us in social media, or complete the form on our website, and we will help you organise a consultation. Bye for now.
The content has been made available for informational and educational purposes only. Bacchus Marsh Dental House does not make any representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the content.
The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional personal diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a dental or medical condition. Never disregard professional advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read or seen on the Site.
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